Here are the rest of the excerpts from the conversation I had earlier this year (2009) with Sheldan Nidle. If you’re interested in purchasing this entire conversation on DVD, feel free to contact me.
Visualizing Our World After ‘First Contact’
Part 3
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Part 4
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Part 5
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Part 6
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If you’d like to attend Sheldan’s upcoming workshop July 18-19 in Montgomery, AL, reserve your space by following this link.
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Hi Adam.
I just watched the videos here, your interview with Sheldan Nidle. I like you’r music. Sheldan is very interesting. But in my opinion our consciousness is the same today, as it was 5 or 6 thousand years ago, or even earlier. If Sheldan would talk to Dr A Puharich, or Thomas E Bearden Or Dr Muglich, or a thousand other scientists, mathematicians, physicists: they would ask for the blue print, and the mathematics,and the physics of this full consciousness, that all humans supposed to develop at this time for the first contact. As I understand we see, and think everything in two dimensions, we have a left and right brain, and our brain thinks in two dimensions.Not very many people would know what a three dimensional consciousness is or even if there are anyone.Or even if it is possible here in our Solar system. Maybe we would need a new sun to come into our Solar system, maybe we need the energies of double Sun in our Solar System, to develop a three dimensional consciousness. But this is just my own opinion.
Hi Gilgamesh,
I don’t see consciousness is being as static as you suggest, though we are indeed emerging from what appear to be a “Dark Age.” There has been much change in the past 50 years, and the “rate of shift” appears to be accelerating. Many of the answers that you appear to be asking for will not be found via current means of molecular measurement, but would be detectable through more subtle energy measurement systems, such as the Electro-Photonic Imaging System, or “GDV” that I’ve done some radio shows about.
I also feel that we have more than two dimensions of perception to work from, even with the brain being “partitioned” into hemispheres. And, there are many scientists who have already concluded, with great assurance, the existence of 11 and more dimensions. While it is a concept that we still need to wrap our minds around better, it’s becoming easier to accept. I personally don’t think anything outside of ourselves is needed to gain the insights that are available, except a willingness to accept that they are available, and openness to understanding. That too is a very personal experience.
Best regards,